

Hi, there.

Guess what? Now I have lots of thing to share. Know why? Because I don't have my own PC.(Oh, I want it!!)

So I gonna post pages as possible as I can while I'm here, my home town.

Fisrt thing I wanna tell you is ...the high-school baseball team From Ibaraki came back from 甲子園, after beated by 関東一. It was shocking news but I hope the team from Ibaraki prefecture will make it next summer.


Fair Trade

I made opportunity to learn English and also about fair trade.
I hope you'll learn something from this.

topic:Tair Trade
partner:Mari U(she helped me a lot;)

poverty ..........few food
developing......still not convinience for things in life
producer.........people who make soething
disaster...........bad thing basically made by nature
NGO................non-governmental organization
FT...................fair trade
earth garden...festival hald in Japan, often helps FT shops

Reading Quiz
1.What does Fair Trade mark mean?
2.What can you state some FT product from the article.
3.Where can you see FT cottons?

Movie Quiz
try to answer these questions by watching this movie
1.According to Paul, contradiction between what do they want to broke?
2.How did FT change Olgamar's life?
3.According to Stephanie ,what kind of right do we have?



Hi, how are you today?

From August 2nd, 甲子園 will get started!! Basically I like watching baseball game if I have the school to support for, which is why I like only 甲子園, but not also pro-baseball.

This summer, from my home Ibaraki, Jyoso-Gakuin school team gonna join as a represent of the prefecture. I hope they'll do well.

By the way, what do you think about private school that collect nice players from other prefectures? I think it's not fair at all. At first, they are NOT Ibaraki team. So I want my home prefectual school to join 甲子園 as a represent of Obaraki next summer. (Guess what? Our team was about to be that 2 years ago! )

Ma anyway, I hope I could enjoy this 甲子園 this summer, too. Do you have any team (from any prefecture) worthing to suppoert for?


FT announce


Today I gonna share the informaiton about fair trade event.

what for:
let people know FT, think about it a little bit more, communication

September28(sun) 1 p.m.-5 p.m.

(10 minutes walking from Hirose station)

what to do:
workshop, small lecture,"trade game" to know FT, and it goes...

how to join:
send e-mail here: fairtradepj@gmail.com

This is the rare event which gonna be held by students. We will not do difficult things so that I can be sure everyone will be able to know what exactly FT is with having fun.

I hope your join.


My dream trip plan

Hi, mates. Summer vacation is coming soon. Hold on , everyone!!

By the way, if you got $2.500, where would you like to visit?

In the class I take, we supposed to make a plan to trip to anywhere worth $2.500. And I decided to visit Peru, because I've been eager to see Nasca lines and Machu Picchu which is famous for Incan heritage as a World heritage Site. Just thinking about why and how the lines drawned makes me excited!! Actually I've wanted to visit as a family trip, but it sounds difficult because rest of my family do not interested as much I do. That's why.

With these sites helped me making nice, complete and reasonable trip plan.
http://www.expedia.com/)... to make a flight plan, also to book the seat you want
trip adviser (
http://www.tripadvisor.com・・・to search for hotel which is suitable for you

And here is my dream plan(from September 10 to 14)

departing fight
6:05 p.m. taking off Narita, Japan
6:00 a.m. landing on New York, USA
11:30p.m. taking off New York USA
6:30 a.m. landing on Lima, Peru

I want to book a window seat because I might see Hawaii on the way! In NY, I will have long time to retake off, so I'd like to enjoy duty-free shopping while the time.

And here I am at Lima in Peru!!
There, I should see things like this.

Also in the site called geobeats(
http://www.geobeats.com/ ), you can see various movie from many places over the world. Unfortunately, I could not find movie about Peru this time, but if you want to trip to somewhere in foreign countries THROUGH PC, I recommend you to see this.

There at Lima, Peru, I will do...
・sightseeing to Machu Picchu
・seeing Nasca lines
・trying Spanish with people there
・staying at Bayview Hotel, which is worth to stay, having great service, and comfortable bed.
According to tripadviser, it costs $64 per a night

return flight
11:50p.m. taking off Lima, Peru
8:30 a.m. landing on NewYork, USA
11:45a.m. taking off New York, USA
2:30 p.m. landing on Narita, Japan

This round flight costs $1,684,and staying a hotel costs $192. That means I have $724 left, so I gonna spend on sightseeing, and shopping.

I've never had any idea to make a trip plan in English site, but now I found I can do it, so I'll try these sites again, when I go to somewhere foreign country. This time, I wanna make a plan to Italy.

How about your trip plan? This summer, some of you might be thinking about trip to foreign country,. Why won't you try these sites? It should be more easy to use than you expect.
Have a nice trip!


Book (1)

Hi, How are you doing with your reports?
Today, I wanna share interesting book I like.

This is the book wichi is called "一人の男が飛行機から飛び降りる" in Japanese.

It's translated from English one, and the original one is called"A Man jumps Out of an Airplane". What I like about this book is that it contains disunderstandable stories. The writer, Barry Yourgrau makes dream-like stories and I'm sure you will be surprided with his fantastic ideas!!

Each of the stories are mostly short, so you can read it without constraint.

As everyone got to yell "summer vacation is coming", you will have much more free-time. Why won't you try this ?


movie (2)

Hi there, I guess you have so many works, but are you all right with them? I'M NOT!!

But in this busy days, what is the important thing to do , do you think? It's watching movie!! In the last reading class, watching movie is not so good way to relax because it have us to forget realistic, but I think that's important thing, SOMETIMES. so is you feel tired , I recommend you to watch movie to change your feeling.

On last Tuesday, I watched the movie with Masumi and Lisa. The movie we watched is..."Summer Time-machine Blues" filmed in Japan. It was really enjoyable. We all agreed it's funny and well-contained.

Take a few minutes to see this to see how does it like.

Why won't you see it ? If you do, I recommend you to see that with your friends or people around you!! And you can have fun finding piece of things which would make you feel fun.
Also, If you are Ferris student, you can enjoy it in the library.



This is the place where we can have a nice pizza , in Italy. It made me eager to eat in there.



Hello, it’s getting hotter and hot… how are you these days? I’m boiling in the computer lab now.

By the way, I commented about the movie I like, “Hula Girls”, so I hope you will take a look it at imdb.com, and enjoy watching the movie.


Also, you briefly can see how the movie likes, so check this, too!!


digital camera

Hi, there. How are you thesedays? I'm O.K., except having lots of assignments .

By the way, last Friday, I bought a digital camera. Till now, I used my mobile phone or my friend's digital camera to take a photo, but from now on I'll be abole to share nice, clear photos on my pages.
Hold on, I do not know how to capture them into the computer!! I'm bad at using these things (what's more, I use them carelessly;), so I have to tell you it's gonna be very late for you to see clear photos here.

Anyway, I hope you like my photos.



Hi, it's boiling these days, but how are you today?

I guess you've already have decided your plan. I heard some of my classmates are going to tropical country. I envy them, but I'm going to visit Nikko this year. If you ask me, you'd better stay there to stay cool!!

In the class now, we are making our wonderful plan for summer vacation. I want you to think about this together to forget feeling boiled.

You can go anywhere you want, but be careful, you gotta make your wonderful plan with 250,000 yen.( it's enough, isn't it?)

In my case, I wanna visit Peru and see the geoglyphs
of Nasca because it has been my dream to see that with my eyes. Going there might be terrible, so I wanna carry on some autum day.(Oops, it's not SUMMER vacation plan;)

I hope you have nice plan, and carry them on!!



The one I wanna see again is SIMPSONS THE MOVIE. In the first sight it looks just cheezy, entertain for only children, but actually, it's not. These are some comments from who also think like me.

who-two from Ireland says,"The movie is hilarious throughout, and also has one of the most emotional moments ever on The Simpsons."

Author: rayato from Puerto Rico says, " Let me just say I had my doubts. The last couple of seasons of 'The Simpsons' have been lackluster at best and I genuinely thought that their chance to make a great Simpsons film passed roughly 10 years ago. BOY WAS I WRONG!!! "

I do not want you to miss it. Just watch it. You would be SIMPSON nerds!!



Hi, how are you these days?

June 1st, I went to 池袋 to visit my friend, Kushida, and go to the live of L'Arc〜en〜Ciel.

Actually, I'm not interested in the band, but we can't waste the ticket, which costs about 10,000 yen, can we?

Anyway, I enjoyed the live, and Tokyo Dome, where the live was held in.


Fair Trade

How are you?

Today, I went to Earth Plaza to take a part in lecture about Fair Trade. This time, we learned about how to make a single FT clothe. As a guest, two women from Nepal came and showed us their works, told about their life in Nepal.

We had a great time.

Guess the movie

The year is 1985 and ***** McFly is your everyday teenager, except for one problem. He is stuck in 1955. After his good friend Doc Emmett Brown is gunned down, ***** ends up sending the DeLorean back thirty years into the past. Now, he must find the Doc and convince him that he is from the future, in order for the Doc to send him back to the future, but this is the least of *****'s problem. After accidentally getting in the way of the important meeting between his future mother and father, ***** must get them back together before he changes time forever, and destroys his own existence. Written by simon


cooking (2)

Hi, you know what!?
Today I made crepes. Looks yummy, doesn't it ? We made a lot.
What we found today is that... sweet bean taste goes well with crepes. More over, let me give you our original recipe.
Try a cup of milk, also a few spoons of sugar into bean taste , and let it simmer. I'm sure it will be one of great ingredients for crepes.
Any way we enjoyed it.


Fair Trade Week

Thank you for buying cookies .
Our profit is going be ...

1. subvention for making school for working children in undeveloped countries
2.salary for workers mainly in Nepal
3.donation for Chinese in 四川省

By buying a Fair Trade products , we can solve many kinds of world's problem. If you go to the certain shop, you can buy FT things, but still we hardly see FT things at ordinary shops, that's why we hold this event every year so that students can buy FT cookies without visiting far away place from here, and it worked, especially this year.

Thank you buyers, thank you Mary Jo, for sharing FT at class, and holding FT event t at campus.
In the Ferris Festival. we are going to have Fair Trade cafe, that you can have FT coffee, FT tea, FT cookies and so on. We are waiting for your coming.


Hi,there. These day I went eating a lot of dessert with G-mate(intensive course students at G class).

Before going Sweet Paradise, which we were going to eat in, we did a small surprise party for Asaka, Hikaru, Ai, and Haruna. It went well and we had a plenty at Sweet Paradise.

It was really happy day, let's hold G-meeting again, aren't we?!


Cooking (1)

Hi, how are you all?

This week end, I had a friend staying for 2 nights. I call her Kushida, we've been fiends since junior high school, and we haven't met for more than 3 years, so I wonderd if I could keep her for two days with good time, but after all, both of us were not changed at all so that we kept laughing for whole her staying.

Unfortunately, it kept raining while she were there, so we decided to cook that we never had tried to make by ourselves.

This picture is a gratin we made WITHOUT any recipe, but WITH laughing. It has cabbage, carrot, potate, anything we left last night in it.

It was nice.


Golden Week (1)

Hi, how was your Golden week?
I enjoyed my Golden Week and it was really fun.
Now, let me introduce my spring-friends.

They are a volley ball team mate at high school days. We got together after about ONE YEAR but I found that we still have nice relationship.

This day, I went eating Yaki-niku, taking a bath at Yama-no-yu, watched the movie called "The summer time machine blues" with dozing, at house of Ayumi, who is one of them who cared us as a manager .

I wanna see you all next summer!!


Nice to meet you (again!).

Hi, its lovely to see you all.To begin with, let me introduce myself.

I'm Misako Yamane, student at university, loving eating , sleeping, and sport. I also love watching movies so that I may talk about movies a lot, but basically, I'd like to talk about everything I like; sport, food, science, book, World Heritage Site and it goes.

Hope you'll enjoy my blog.